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Man requires different types of building for his necessary activities like houses , bungalows , flats for his living purposes  , hospitals and health centres , for his health purposes , schools colleges and universities for his education , bank shops offices building and factories for working purposes , railway building bus stations , and air terminals for transportation purposes , clubs theatres and cinemas halls for entertainments and tumbles masjid churches thalamus act for worship , each type of the about buildings has its own requirements , about the buildings activities are an important indicator of the countries , social progress, houses bungalows flats huts act provide shelter to man first hut with bamboo and lives can be taken as the first civil engineering constructions  carried out to satisfy the needs for a shelter before that caves were his early abode. The history of developing of housing facilities reveals that man has been molding his environment throughout the ages for more comfortable livings. pakistan steal has many old cave masjid with halls and rooms having beautiful carvings. Egyptians constructed huge pyramids. The Greeks developed a style of proportions of the building elements , these proportions are known as the order of architect.Roman developed arches  for vaults and domes. They  used porcelain sand , mortar ,plaster and concrete.During the Gothic period of the architecture ( 1100-1500 A.D ) churches with pointed arches and the ribs supporting masonry vaults were constructed .The arched ribs were supported by stone pillars strengthened by buttresses.These  structures led to the idea of framed structures.

The period from 1750 A.D on wards is known as the period of Modern Architecture.  Due to economic pressure after the war , and due to industrial development , many new methods and materials of construction were developed.The use of reinforced concrete construction triggered the rapid development of the modern architecture.

Functional structural components such as columns , chajjas , canopies , R.C.C slabs became increasingly popular because of the increased speed in construction .Use of plywood , glass , decorative etc..helped the designers to make the new structures look more elegant.

The building design has traditionally has been the responsibility of the architect , through the building construction has been the responsibility of the civil engineer . Also , the structural designs of the building are the responsibility of the civil engineer.On small projects , a civil engineer may sometimes be entrusted with the architectural design work , along with structural designs.The main considerations in architectural design of building for all purposes are as follows.

The building as any structure for whatsoever purpose and of whatsoever materials constructed and every part thereof whether used as human habitation or not and includes foundations , plinth , walls , floors , roofs , chimneys , plumbing and building services , fixed platforms , veranda ,

Balcony cornice or projection , part  of a building or any thing affixed there to or any wall enclosing or intended to enciose any land or space and signs and outdoors display structures. Tents , shamianas and tarpaulin shelters are not considered as building.



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