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Buildings are made lot of purpose.we are define with requirements.

1 - Residential Buildings              2 - Educational Buildings  

3 - Institutional Buildings             4 - Assembly Buildings

5 - Business Buildings                   6- Mercantile Building

7 - Industrial Building                 8 - Storage Building

9 - Hazardous Buildings   

1 - Residential Buildings

According to name that type building For only Living Purpose

for example sleeping , accommodation ,with or with out cooking ,dinning .That type buildings are made different activities like that are mentioned below.                                                                  i-Rooming   Houses or lodging

ii- Family Private Dwelling

iii - Dormitories

iv - Apartment Houses                                                 

V- Hotels

Rooming Services buildings are use to sleeping accommodation for  a number of persons.It is permanent basis with or with out dining facilities. A  lodging is classified as a dwelling  in any or personal and private  is rented to more than three persons.private dwellings are rented to outsiders , these should  be for rent basis.Dormitories  as such type like that a group of persons sleeping accommodation is provided , which is with or without dinning facilities in one room or a series of closely associated rooms under jointly occupancy and single management , for example ,school and college dormitories ,students , and other hostels and military barracks.apartment building structure is like living quarters are provided , for three or more families living independently and with independently  facilities for example , apartment houses  plaza  etc . Hotels are single management with all human facilities. Like hotels , inns , clubs and motels.
Educational Buildings
It is only for education purposes , like that Schools , college and universities and education campus.
 Institutional Buildings
 It is only purposes such a medicals or health treatments physical or mantels have deferment types like  hospitals and sanitarian , custodial institutions , penal institutions .it is made for only as such purposes.
Assembly Buildings
Assembly buildings  are made to facilitate to a group of peoples for requirements like that  gathering activities , recreation , social , religious , patriotic ,civil, travel, and similar purposes for example halls,museums ,skating rinks ,gymnasiums , restaurants , places for worship , dances halls, club rooms , passenger stations and terminals of air , marine public transportation services , etc
 Business Buildings

It is made for only business purposes  wish is used for the transaction of business like that city halls ,town halls ,court houses and libraries should be classified in this group.minor offices , shops occupancy incidental to operation is another type of occupancy should be classified under the relevant group for maim  occupancy.
Mercantile Buildings
These include any building or part of building , which is used as shops ,stores , markets , offices ,storage and services facilities.Minor merchandising operations in buildings.

Storage Buildings

Such buildings are used for the storage services  like that goods , ware or merchandise , different type of products , vehicles , animals living , warehouse ,cold storage , freight depots , transit sheds , store houses , trucks and marines terminals garages , hangers , grain elevators , barns and stables.



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